Governing Council
Governing Council

Shri Praveen Mahto
Principal Economic Adviser, DPIIT
The Chairperson, ex officio

Dr. Vidya Rakesh
Director, NID MP
The Director, ex-officio

Ms. Arti Bhatnagar
Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser
The Financial Adviser in the Ministry or Department of the Government of India dealing with the National Institute of Design, ex officio

Dr. Karunesh Kumar Shukla
Director, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
Representative of the Ministry or Department of the Government of India not below the rank of Joint Secretary dealing with Higher Education, ex officio

Shri. Ateesh Kumar Singh
Joint Secretary, MSME
Representative of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, to be nominated by the Central Government

Shri Sanjay Kumar Shukla
Principal Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Investment Promotion, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
One representative from the State where the Institute campus is located, to be nominated by that State Government

Mr. Shri Krishan Birhman
Registrar, NID MP
Secretary (ex-officio)